It's You!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
The Happy Prince - Nice short story to share with you
Salam Khamis,
Jumpa cerita ni waktu tengah browsing internet...
Mesti ada yang pernah baca kalau rajin g library

He was very much admired indeed. "He is as beautiful as a weathercock," remarked one of the Town Councillors who wished to gain a reputation for having artistic tastes; "only not quite so useful," he added, fearing lest people should think him unpractical, which he really was not.
"Why can't you be like the Happy Prince?" asked a sensible mother of her little boy who was crying for the moon. "The Happy Prince never dreams of crying for anything."
"I am glad there is some one in the world who is quite happy," muttered a disappointed man as he gazed at the wonderful statue.
"He looks just like an angel," said the Charity Children as they came out of the cathedral in their bright scarlet cloaks and their clean white pinafores.
"How do you know?" said the Mathematical Master, "you have never seen one."
"Ah! but we have, in our dreams," answered the children; and the Mathematical Master frowned and looked very severe, for he did not approve of children dreaming.
One night there flew over the city a little Swallow. His friends had gone away to Egypt six weeks before, but he had stayed behind, for he was in love with the most beautiful Reed. He had met her early in the spring as he was flying down the river after a big yellow moth, and had been so attracted by her slender waist that he had stopped to talk to her.
continue reading at
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Salam Raya
Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua.. ^_^
Mesti raya korang best kan tahun ni...
Tetiba terasa nak aktif balik berblog..
Tapi bila buka blog je, banyak benda baru yang ada
So sebelum start aktif, kenalah update mana2 yang outdated
Note : Creative mood
Mesti raya korang best kan tahun ni...
Tetiba terasa nak aktif balik berblog..
Tapi bila buka blog je, banyak benda baru yang ada
So sebelum start aktif, kenalah update mana2 yang outdated
Note : Creative mood
Friday, August 17, 2012
2nd Raya for the twins
Lama tak jenguk blog..setahun lebih adala jugak..ada lagi ke yang membaca coretan saya?
The twins sekarang dah 1 tahun 6 bulan..lincah..aktif..dan sangat bijak.
Diam tak diam dah sampai ke tahun kedua mereka berhari raya. Sebelum ni xpandai apa2 lagi..tahun ni dah pandai berebut kuih!
Lama tak jenguk blog..setahun lebih adala jugak..ada lagi ke yang membaca coretan saya?
The twins sekarang dah 1 tahun 6 bulan..lincah..aktif..dan sangat bijak.
Diam tak diam dah sampai ke tahun kedua mereka berhari raya. Sebelum ni xpandai apa2 lagi..tahun ni dah pandai berebut kuih!
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